субота, 9 липня 2011 р.

Закрепление к уроку 1

 закрепи  урок, выполнив  задания

Задание 1.
Вставь слова,  вместо  прочерков
It was _________ midnight and the Prime Minister was sitting _______ in his office, reading a long_________ that was slipping________ his_________ without________ the __________  trace of _________ behind. He was waiting for a call from the President of a far distant country, and between__________when the __________ man would telephone, and ______ to __________ __________ memories of what had been a very long, _______, and difficult week, there was not much space in his head for anything _______.

 Задание 2.
Переведи фразы:
1) and trying to suppress unpleasant memories
2) it was nearing midnight
3) the wretched man

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